Our Mission

Building communities takes a dedicated effort and as more and more Americans become non-religious every year they will need a place to belong. This is the primary reason the Secular Community Alliance exists; to help establish, support and promote non-theist communities throughout the United States.

Our organization grew out from a local community group so we know how difficult it can be to build and sustain a community of people at the grassroots level. That’s why we started the Secular Community Alliance. We want to create an organization dedicated to helping non-theist community groups thrive.

A place for us

Finding a place for your community is hard. There are a myriad reasons that your group may not have a place to call home, a place where you know that you and your members can get together and congregate. From finding a space that’s welcoming to the non-religious to dealing budget/cost issues we know how hard it can be and how much effort local groups put into finding space.

Our goal is to help establish spaces for non-religious community groups throughout the country. This is a significant undertaking but the benefits to our communities will be worth the effort.

A way for us to give back

Another challenge that non-religious people face is a lack of volunteer oportunities at a local level. The reason this is so challenging is that most of the opportunities avaialble at the local level are religiously affiliated.

When there is a need at the state and federal level, government agencies reach out to charitable organziations designed to provide the help they need. These organizations have connections to communities at the local level, and these organizations do not exist for the non-religious.

In order to create these opportunities we need to dedicate people to coordinating, planning and staffing opportunities. We need an organziaiton that is intimately connected to local communities that government agencies can turn to when there is a need.

How we grow

From creating opportunities to volunteer at a local level to esablishing non-religious community centers to training the next generation of secular leaders, all of these efforts required funding. By establishing an organization dedicated to these causes we create a way to strengthen and sustain these efforts.

We need you to join us so that we can create a network of communities that extends across this country. By combining our communities and working together we can start to overcome the hurdles that our communities face.